Database Management System (DBMS) SQL Query Practice Questions and Solutions

Database Management System (DBMS) SQL Query Practice Questions and Solutions -

Database Management System (DBMS) is the core subject of Computer Science and Engineering. To improve the SQL Query fundaments you have to practice a lot of questions.

This question will cover all the basic fundamental concepts of SQL.

Given a Table Sales as given below:-

Solve the following queries using Aggregate Function for above table:

Q 1: Count how many orders have made a customer with CustomerName of Smith.

Select count(orderID) from sales where customerName=’Smith’;

Q 2: Find the number of unique customers that have ordered from the store.
Select count(distinct CustomerName) as NumerofUnique from sales;

Q 3: Find out total number of items ordered by all the customers.
select sum(orderQuality) from sales;

Q 4: Find out average number of items per order.
select avg(orderQuality) from sales;

Q 5: Find out the average OrderQuantity for all orders with OrderPrice greater than 200
select avg(orderQuality) from sales where orderPrice>200;

Q 6: Find out what was the minimum price paid for any of the orders.

select min(orderPrice) from sales;

Q 7: Find out the highest OrderPrice from the given sales table
select max(orderPrice) from sales;

Q 8: List out unique customers' name only from the given sales table
select distinct customerName from sales;

Q 9: List out name of the customers who have given order in the month of December.
select customerName from sales where month(orderDate)=’12’;

Q 10: Find out the total amount of money spent for each of the customers.
select sum(orderPrice*orderQuality) as totalAmount from sales;

Q 11: Select all unique customers, who have spent more than 1200 in the store.
select distinct customerName from sales where (orderPrice*orderQuality)>1200;

Q 12: Select all customers that have ordered more than 5 items in total from all their orders.
select customerName, sum(orderQuality) from sales group by customerName having sum(orderQuality)>5;

Q 13: Select all customers who have spent more than 1000 after 10/01/2005.
select customerName, (orderPrice*orderQuality) from sales where (orderPrice*orderQuality)>1000 and orderDate>'2005-10-01';

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