Find Two Numbers that Add up to "value" - MyTechiest

 Takes an array arr, a number value and size of the array as input and returns an array of two numbers that add up to value. In case there is more than one pair in the array containing numbers that add up to value, you are required to return only one such pair. If no such pair found then simply return the array.


An array, value, and size of the array


An array with two integers that add up to value

Sample Input 

arr = [1,21,3,14,5,60,7,6]
value = 81

Sample Output 

arr = [21,60]

For example, in this illustration, we are given 81 as the number value and when we traverse the whole array we find that 21 and 60 are the integers that add up to 81.

Solution #1: Brute Force

int * findSum(int arr[], int value, int size) {
	//if sum is greater than given value => Pointer 2 to Left.
  int * result = new int[2];
  for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
        for (int j=i+1; j<size; j++) {
            if (arr[i]+arr[j] == value) {
			          result[0] = arr[i];
			          result[1] = arr[j];
                return result; // containing 2 number
	return arr; 

int main(){

  int size = 5, value = 9;
  int arr[size] = {2,4,5,7,8};
  if(size > 0){
    int * arr2 = findSum(arr, value, size);
    int num1 = arr2[0];
    int num2 = arr2[1];

      if((num1 + num2) != value)
        cout << "Not Found" << endl;
      else {
        cout << "Number 1 = " << num1 << endl;
        cout << "Number 2 = " << num2 << endl;
        cout << "Sum = " << num1+num2 << endl;

    } else {
      cout << "Input Array is Empty!" << endl;

This is the most time-intensive but intuitive solution. Traverse the whole array of the given size for each element in the array and check if any of the two elements add up to the given number value. So, use a nested for-loop and iterate over the entire array for each element.

Time Complexity

Since we iterate over the entire array (size nn times, the time complexity is O(n^2).

Solution #2: Sorting the array

//Helper Function to sort given Array (Quick Sort)          
int partition(int arr[], int low, int high){ 
  int pivot = arr[high];  
  int i = (low-1); // index of smaller element 
  for (int j=low; j<high; j++){ 
    // If current element is <= to pivot 
    if (arr[j] <= pivot) { 

      // swap arr[i] and arr[j] 
      int temp = arr[i]; 
      arr[i] = arr[j]; 
      arr[j] = temp; 

  // swap arr[i+1] and arr[high] (or pivot) 
  int temp = arr[i+1]; 
  arr[i+1] = arr[high]; 
  arr[high] = temp; 

  return i+1; 

void sort(int arr[], int low, int high){ 
  if (low < high){ 
    int pi = partition(arr, low, high); 
    sort(arr, low, pi-1); 
    sort(arr, pi+1, high); 

//Return 2 elements of arr that sum to the given value
int * findSum(int arr[], int value, int size) {
  //Helper sort function that uses the Quicksort Algorithm
  sort(arr, 0, size - 1);   //Sort the array in Ascending Order

	int Pointer1 = 0;    //Pointer 1 -> At Start
	int Pointer2 = size - 1;   //Pointer 2 -> At End

	int * result = new int[2];
	int sum = 0;

	while (Pointer1 != Pointer2) {

		sum = arr[Pointer1] + arr[Pointer2];  //Calulate Sum of Pointer 1 and 2

		if (sum < value) 
      Pointer1++;  //if sum is less than given value => Move Pointer 1 to Right
		else if (sum > value) 
		else {
			result[0] = arr[Pointer1];
			result[1] = arr[Pointer2];
			return result; // containing 2 number 
	return arr; 

int main(){

  int size = 5, value = 9;
  int arr[size] = {2,4,5,7,8};
  if(size > 0){
    int * arr2 = findSum(arr, value, size);
    int num1 = arr2[0];
    int num2 = arr2[1];

      if((num1 + num2) != value)
        cout << "Not Found" << endl;
      else {
        cout << "Number 1 = " << num1 << endl;
        cout << "Number 2 = " << num2 << endl;
        cout << "Sum = " << num1+num2 << endl;

    } else {
      cout << "Input Array is Empty!" << endl;

While solution #1 is very intuitive, it is not very time efficient. A better way to solve this is by first sorting the array, then using two variables, one starting from the first index of the array and second from size-1 index of the array. If the sum of the elements on these indexes of the array is smaller than given value then increment index from the start else decrement index from the end, until the given value is not equal to the sum. Store the elements on these indexes in result array and return it.

Time Complexity

Since the sorting function used in this code takes O(nlogn) and the algorithm to find two numbers takes O(n) time; the overall time complexity of this code is O(nlogn).

Solution #3: Using Hashing

int * findSum(int arr[], int value, int size) {
	//if sum is greater than given value => Pointer 2 to Left.
  int * result = new int[2];
  unordered_map<int, int> mp;
  for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
  for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
        if(mp[abs(arr[i]-value)] > 0){
            result[0] = arr[i];
            result[1] = abs(arr[i]-value);
  return result;

int main(){

  int size = 5, value = 9;
  int arr[size] = {2,4,5,7,8};
  if(size > 0){
    int * arr2 = findSum(arr, value, size);
    int num1 = arr2[0];
    int num2 = arr2[1];

      if((num1 + num2) != value)
        cout << "Not Found" << endl;
      else {
        cout << "Number 1 = " << num1 << endl;
        cout << "Number 2 = " << num2 << endl;
        cout << "Sum = " << num1+num2 << endl;

    } else {
      cout << "Input Array is Empty!" << endl;

In solution we are using a hash table to solve this problem. This is the most optimized solution for this problem.

Time Complexity

Since the algorithm to find two numbers takes O(n) time; the overall time complexity of this code is O(n) and Space complexity is O(n).
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